Yūnus bin Khabāb said, Mujāhid asked, ❝Shall I not tell you who this Awābun Ḥafīdh (Oft returner to Allāh, vigilant against his sins) is?❞ I said, “Yes” He said, ❝It is the description of the one who, upon remembering a sin in private, seeks Allāh’s forgiveness for it.❞…
What are your main concerns when you wake up after a long night’s sleep? Food, perhaps? Even if it is not your main concern, it must be at the top of your list. And especially if you haven’t had dinner the night before, you would very likely be ravenous and you would very likely eat the first thing you get your hands on. Be it a bar of chocolate or a leftover pizza slice (as unappetizing as it sounds). But…
[And when the two companies saw one another, the companions of Mūsā said, “Indeed, we will be overtaken!” Mūsā said, “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.”] Shu’rā`:61-62 This was when Prophet Mūsā was leading Banī Isrā`īl (the Children of Israel) away from the clutches of Firʿawn and his army. When Firʿawn and co. finally catch up to Prophet Mūsā and Banī Isrā`īl, Banī Isrā`īl express their fears, “Indeed, we will be overtaken!” Mūsā ʿalayhis…