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March 20, 2013

How many of those who get their news from international news agencies verify it before faithfully, blindly believing it?…

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Between Gratitude to Allāh and Gratitude to Parents

March 19, 2013

A special blogpost dedicated to my precious mama and baba.  In his Tafsīr, Ibn ʿAbbās narrates that there are three things which are often paired in the Qur`ān, this pairing indicates a necessary condition; for one act of worship to be sound it is absolutely necessary for the other to be performed. One such pairing is gratitude to Allāh first, and then to ones parents. If you are grateful to Allāh (a hefty task in itself!), this act is void…

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March 18, 2013

The most beloved of creation to Allāh are the ones most knowledgeable of what has been revealed [i.e. the Qur`ān]. — al-Mujāhid, in: Introduction of Tafsīr al-Qurṭubī titled, al-Jāmiʿ le-Aḥkām al-Qur`ān.…

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March 17, 2013

Sūrah al-ʿAlaq:6-7   Man transgresses because he *sees* himself to be self-sufficient. But he’s not self sufficient. Man can never be self-sufficient. Because of his “success” in this world, because of his wealth and his perceived power, man starts to think that he is his own provider, his own sustainer.  Nay. We are poor and needy in front of our Lord.  The mere thought of seeing ones self self-sufficient is a transgression.  Never be fooled; we are not in control,…

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High, Higher, Highest

March 16, 2013

[A revelation from He who created the earth and highest heavens; Ar-Raḥmān who is above the Throne established] Tāhā:4-5   Do you notice something different in this āyah? Normally the usage of heavens and earth is in a specific order where the mention of heavens precedes that of earth. However in this āyah the mention of earth precedes the mention of heavens. Why is that? One reason is because of the imagery that is being created: from the lowest (earth)…

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March 13, 2013

The most beloved people to me are those closest to the Qur`ān. A motto to live (and love) by. (via quranicreflections)…

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