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April 10, 2013

Ibn al-Qayyim (Raḥimahu Allāh) said, ❝The one who eats something takes on somewhat of its characteristics in his attitude and actions. Just as there is wisdom in what Allāh has created, there is also wisdom in what He has prescribed and commanded (His Sharīʿah). He has forbidden His slaves to eat unclean things because if they consume them, these things will become a part of them and they will be what they eat. When a person eats, he resembles what…

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April 9, 2013

﴾O you who believe, if you have taqwa of Allāh , He will grant you a Furqān [criterion to distinguish between right and wrong].﴿ Anfāl:29 In this ever morally confused world, the ability to make a distinction between the right and wrong has been given to those who have taqwa of Allāh.…

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The Sincere, Devoted Friend

April 8, 2013

The army of Iblīs, i.e. those who followed him instead of following the command of Allāh and thus went astray, will say on the Day of Judgement: [So now we have no intercessors; Nor a sincere, devoted friend] ash-Shuʿrā`:100-101 Intercessors are those who will intercede on one’s behalf from the Angels, Prophets and Believers. In a Ḥadīth narrated in Bukhārī: The believers who are saved will say, “O Allāh! Save our brothers for they used to pray with us, fast…

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April 7, 2013

This Dunyā won’t harm you if you are grateful [to Allāh] for it. Abū Qilābah, a faqīh. D. 104 hijrī. In: الشكر لله لإبن أبي الدنيا. [Think: most wrongful indulgence of this Dunyā is a result of ingratitude— by turning away from Allāh to it. Reverse that: turn to Allāh and thank Him for it.]…

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Qur`ānic Reflections: The Time Before Dawn

April 1, 2013

Qur`ānic Reflections: The Time Before Dawn quranicreflections: [The people of Lūṭ denied the warnings. Indeed, We sent upon them a storm of stones, except the family of Lūṭ – We saved them before dawn] Qamar:33-34 The family of Lūṭ ‘alayhis salām were put through one of the most difficult tests a Muslim can through. They fought… For those who want to be saved.…

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March 31, 2013

The hidden desire: Love of showing off one’s good deeds. Ibn al-Athīr, in: النهاية في غريب الحديث ٥١٦/٢…

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