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May 29, 2013

One of the signs that Allāh has turned away from a person is when he becomes increasingly involved in that which does not concern him. Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, in: Muwaṭa` Mālik, chapter of Good Manners.…

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May 27, 2013

The Islāmic Affairs ministry of the Kingdom of Bahrain (Allāh preserve the people, the country and the leadership upon al-Ḥaqq), initiated a project to print and send a million Maṣāḥif to Africa. This gave rise to the ‘Muṣḥaf al-Bahrain’ project. Bifaḍl Allāh taʿālā, because of Whom all good comes to be, this project is in it’s final stages. In the pictures: hundreds and hundreds of ḥuffāḏh and ḥāffiḏhāt seated in Bahrain’s grand mosque, revising the copies of the Muṣḥaf – letter by letter, ḥarakah by ḥarakah. (To…

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Memorise Qur`ān in TWO months. (19 tips to get you there)

May 22, 2013

Note: This was originally posted on my other blog: A World with Strangers. Since then, I have put that blog to sleep. A sister recently requested for this post, so I decided to put up a slightly edited version here, the original title was:Memorise Qur`ān in TWO months. (18 tips to get you there.)  I hope everyone can benefit from it.   Sheikh Abdul-Qādir al-ʿĀmrī oversees a summer Qur`ān boot camp in Dubai, where children from the age of 13…

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Qur`ānic Reflections: What do People of Hellfire Want?

May 11, 2013

Qur`ānic Reflections: What do People of Hellfire Want? quranicreflections: What is the ONE thing that people of Hellfire will want more than anything else? May Allāh not make us of them. (Try guessing the answer. And no, it is not a ticket out.) Once ʿAbdullah Ibn ʿOmar (رضي الله عنه) drank cold water, upon drinking it he started weeping. He was asked,……

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May 2, 2013

If you ever find me lose my path [i.e. become misguided] then grab me by my shirt and shake me violently and say, “Fear Allāh, O ʿOmar, for you will die one day. ʿOmar b. ʿAbdul ʿAzīz. [Criteria for a best friend right there.]…

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