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August 29, 2016

Do you think the pious are sinless?! They concealed their sins and did not flaunt them; They repented and did not persist; They acknowledged their errors and did not make excuses; They did good after they had done wrong.”…

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Quote Uncategorized

July 26, 2016

اللهم افتح عقولنا وقلوبنا لفهم القرآن وتدبُّره والغوص في أسراره، والاعتبار بمواعظه، والوقوف عند حدوده، إنك جَوَادٌ كريم. Allāh, open our minds and hearts to understand and reflect on the Qurʾān, to delve in its secrets, to be heedful of its admonitions, to be mindful of its limits, You are Jawādun Karīm. ✨…

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July 18, 2016

From ‘The Best Thing I’ve Read Today’ Series on my Facebook Page. This is a snippet from a foreword written by Sheikh ʿĀʾiḍ al-Qarnī for a book titled ‘al-Mujallā fī sharḥ al-Qawāʿid al-Muthlā’, by Kāmilah al-Kuwārī. For those who do not know, ustādhah Kāmilah is a student of knowledge who has excelled. It warmed my heart and so I wanted to share it with you. He praises the work for the impeccable manner in which she skillfully presents a well…

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May 23, 2015

❝Birr isn’t simply fulfilling your mother’s requests—as THAT is an obligation. Birr is fulfilling her need BEFORE she utters it to you.❞ -— Sheikh Ṣāliḥ al-Maghāmsī…

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When a Dream Ends…

May 20, 2015

After a catastrophic end to a beautiful dream, how is one to console himself if not with the Words of Allāh? Where do you begin the restoration (of heart, soul, hope, life…) process? If you wonder, then let me tell you. With this āyah: You do not know, perhaps Allāh will bring about a [better/different/another/rectified…] matter after that. –aṭ-Ṭalāq:1 The use of لعل (perhaps) does not indicate uncertainty when Allāh uses it for Himself. Rather, it indicates an obligation: Allāh…

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May 1, 2015

❝The Angels lower their wings for the student of knowledge out of pleasure at what he is seeking.❞ [Ḥadīth Ḥasan]…

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