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Preserving Blessings

October 24, 2016

Often when we love something a little too much we become fearful that Allāh will take it away. This creates apprehension in our relationship with Allāh and we develop a slight mistrust. Evidently this stems from our lack of ʿilm of who Allāh is.…

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July 12, 2016

Remember: Allāh does not create ḥajāt (needs) in our lives, except so that we may initiate ʿibādāt (acts of worship). When a need is created within us, we are compelled to recognise our weaknesses and inability, and conversely, recognise His Perfect Ability and Might and thus turn to Him with love and hope in our hearts.…

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A Universal Truth

June 29, 2016

A universal truth that is glaringly obvious yet is rarely lived by. It is: When you entrust your matters to Allāh, He suffices you. We see this lesson oft-repeated in the stories of the Qurʾān. Take the example of the Youth of the Cave, when they called to Allāh alone seeking His Mercy and rectification and guidance in matters. He helped them in unimaginable ways and brought them relief and victory.…

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We shall never be deprived of good by a Lord Who laughs

April 9, 2015

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: ❝Allāh laughs at the despair of His slaves although He soon changes it.❞ (Meaning Allāh subḥānah laughs, a laughter that befits our Lord, because here are people despairing and worrying but He knows that happiness and relief is right around the corner.) I (the narrator) said: “O Messenger of Allāh, does the Lord laugh?” He ﷺ said: ❝Yes.❞ I said: “We shall never be deprived of good by a Lord Who laughs.” [In: Ibn…

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