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How do you Treat Others?

July 31, 2018

If there is one lesson our dīn repeatedly teaches, it is that Allāh treats you the way that you treat others, especially the ones who are below you. This teaching is so consequential that it is almost as if you are given a choice of how you want to be treated by Allāh in this life and in the Next simply by your treatment of those around you.    …

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Good Hope in Allāh

August 19, 2017

You know when a person is hoping for Allāh to realise something—a duʿāʾ, a secret wish, some aspiration? He might quietly imagine the different scenarios in which Allāh can realise his heart’s wishes and bring to him what he desires and this is a reflection of the good expectations he holds of Allāh. Perhaps amongst all these scenarios he’ll pick the most realistic one. The easiest, most feasible one. And hang on to that. Our mother ʿĀisha r.a. would say,…

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Lessons in Tawakkul

July 9, 2017

Imagine a small child. A toddler. Let’s suppose that he’s an excitable young toddler who is unable to express himself verbally yet. Imagine the following situation: His mother tells him that they are going to the park; do you want to go to the park?! There are swings there! He knows the park, so he jumps up excitedly and races to the front door and waits eagerly for his mother to come and open the door so that they can…

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Being Pleased with Allāh

May 25, 2017

Keep making duʿāʾ and keep trusting that Allāh sees your efforts and He hears your prayers. I say make duʿāʾ not as a hopeless plan b. But I say this because I know that so many people lose out on the good that Allāh gives because they give up on duʿāʾ too soon. Or they lose spirit too soon. Or they lose interest too soon. Allāh is al-Ḥakīm and He arranges our lives perfectly. Even if something causes us grief…

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Al-Mujīb: Practical Lessons in ʿAqīdah

April 14, 2017

Allāh is al-Mujīb: The Fullfiller of Prayers; The Responsive One; The One who responds to needs of  the creation. We learn that Allāh is al-Mujīb from what He relates to us in the Qurʾān. We affirm and believe in whatever He tells us about Himself in the Qurʾān and sunnah. This form of knowledge is called ʿilm al-yaqīn (a knowledge we are certain of and believe in.) But Allāh wants good for us, He wants our īmān to thrive in our hearts;…

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Ar-Rabb al-Muʾmin

March 9, 2017

I’ve learnt something beautiful. When Allāh knows that a person is sincere and dedicated in an act of worship, He facilitates it for them. When Allāh loves an act of worship from someone, He keeps them steadfast on it. He gives them the means and the support to remain persistent upon it. Allāh is al-Muʾmin and from the meanings of al-Muʾmin is that He illuminates hearts with faith and He gives His believing servants reasons to remain steadfast.…

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