Personal Reflections

A Fulfilment

October 21, 2020
For the aesthetics, of course.

الحمدلله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات

By the grace and favour of Allāh upon me, I’ve successfully completed my Master’s Degree in ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān and Tafsīr.

My thesis was titled, ‘أثر تكرار الألفاظ والآيات في بيان مقاصد سور القرآن الكريم دراسة تحليلية من سورة الرعد إلى سورة الحج أنموذجًا’

‘A Study of the Repetition of Words and Verses in Determining the Objectives of the Chapters of the Qurʾān: from al-Raʿd to al-Ḥajj.’.

Allāh is Kind and Generous when He permits His unworthy slaves to partake in the service of His Book. To Him belongs all due gratitude and praise. I thank Him for the completion of this gargantuan task and I beg for His acceptance without which none of it would matter.

After Allāh, gratitude is due to my mama and baba whose love, support and duʿāʾ have been paramount in whatever success that I have seen in my life. I ask Allāh to repay them duly for it on the Day of the Judgement and to make the repayment sweet.

Gratitude is due also to my darling husband and bestest friend who has been the numero uno champion of my dreams and aspirations, and who has been the biggest help and support in attaining my Master’s degree, and who has always been a cool breeze on a hot day. May Allāh reward him handsomely for it.

And to my brothers, Mohammed and Ebrahim, for their unending encouragement and support (and giggles–no one makes me laugh harder than my brothers).

A thank you also to my best friend, Sarah, and to Fatima and Hasna, and to my lovely mother and father-in-law, and to every person who offered a word of motivation, duʿāʾ and kindness. Every kind word has counted in giving me a boost and I am certain that it will be accounted in your scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgement.

I pray Allāh accepts it from me and benefits me and others through it in this life and in the Next.

ربي، ورقات منك إليك، فتقبلها بقبول حسن وأنبتها نباتا حسناً 🤲

-— Abeer Sadary.



Pictured: The magical and breathtaking Loch Lochy, Scotlanda, August 2020. I could not bear to open my thesis file again to take an appropriate screenshot of the cover, so you get this picture instead.

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