
Good Hope in Allāh

August 19, 2017

You know when a person is hoping for Allāh to realise something—a duʿāʾ, a secret wish, some aspiration? He might quietly imagine the different scenarios in which Allāh can realise his heart’s wishes and bring to him what he desires and this is a reflection of the good expectations he holds of Allāh.

Perhaps amongst all these scenarios he’ll pick the most realistic one. The easiest, most feasible one. And hang on to that.

Our mother ʿĀisha r.a. would say, “I would wish that Rasūl Allāh ﷺ would see a dream in which Allāh would prove my innocence.”

ʿĀisha r.a. was accused of the unthinkable and there were no witnesses to testify for her. As bleak as the situation was, she was sure that Allāh would prove her innocence, so she hoped that it would be through a dream. That Allāh would show Rasūl Allāh ﷺ a dream in which her innocence would be proven.

And Allāh did give her what she hoped for, Allāh proved her innocence, but in a manner that she could have never imagined. Allāh revealed a Qurʾānic āyah proclaiming her innocence that will be recited until the Day of Judgment.

Allāh’s ʿaṭāyah (givings) have always been over and above a person’s expectations. Sheikh Moḥammed b. Moḥammed al-Mukhtār ash-Shanqīṭī says, “No matter how greatly you think of Allāh, know that Allāh is far above that such that it cannot cross your mind.”

فاللهم حقق لنا رجاءنا وأعطنا ما يفوق خيالنا.
So Allāh, realise our hopes and give us above what we imagine.

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