
Being Pleased with Allāh

May 25, 2017

Keep making duʿāʾ and keep trusting that Allāh sees your efforts and He hears your prayers.

I say make duʿāʾ not as a hopeless plan b. But I say this because I know that so many people lose out on the good that Allāh gives because they give up on duʿāʾ too soon. Or they lose spirit too soon. Or they lose interest too soon.

Allāh is al-Ḥakīm and He arranges our lives perfectly. Even if something causes us grief it is for a wisdom and we need to rejoice in this knowledge alone. This is important. This rejoicing is even sweeter than actually getting what you want, believe me.

You can get what you want and you’ll be happy, but if you get what you asked for and if you were pleased with Allāh as your Rabb when things seemed most hopeless, your joy is multiplied and it is incomparable and not many have it. Most people go through life displeased with Allāh (why isn’t my duʿāʾ being answered, I’ve been making duʿāʾ for such a long time, why did such and such had to happen…) and so when they get their gifts, their gifts taste bitter.

Ibn al-Qayyim, raḥimahu Allāh, says in Madārij as-Sālikīn, ❝I saw Sheikh’l Islām Ibn Taymiyah in a dream and I mentioned a deed of the heart to him and I spoke highly of it and of its benefit—though I don’t remember what it was now, so he replied, “As for me, my way is to be happy with Allāh and to be pleased with Him [i.e. that’s my preferred action of the heart].” And this was his attitude throughout his life that was very evident upon him and that he would call to.❞

It’s a simple formula really: Make duʿāʾ and trust Allāh’s wisdom for your circumstance. Make duʿāʾ and trust that He is arranging your life perfectly even if things seem chaotic.
Make duʿāʾ while being pleased with Allāh, happy with His decisions for you, happy with what He has chosen for you in this moment.

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