Qurʾān Study Tips

Apprehension Towards the Qurʾān

May 8, 2017

If you are memorising the Qurʾān, is there any sūrah that you especially love reciting? Perhaps sūrat ar-Raḥmān? That’s an ‘easy’ sūrah to recite, isn’t it? The key to what makes it especially easy is that you hear it and recite it so often that it’s well cemented in your memory.

Now is there any sūrah that you find particularly difficult and that you don’t look forward to reciting? Maybe if your teacher was to test you, you would secretly think, “not that sūrah, not that sūrah”? This apprehension that you feel in your heart towards any part of the Qurʾān, or any part of this dīn for that matter, shouldn’t exist. Naturally, the one solution to resolve this apprehension is to clear out your schedule one weekend and spend some time with that sūrah.

Read the tafsīr of the sūrah, listen to an explanation of it, note down the reasons of revelation and any aḥādīth pertaining to the sūrah. Create a vocabulary list of all the new words that you encounter, and of all the repeated words, and of all the Beautiful Names and Glorious Attributes of Allāh in that sūrah. Create a list of the attributes of the believers, the hypocrites, and the disbelievers. Create a list of all the command and instructions towards the believers in that sūrah (anything that starts with يا أيها الذين آمنوا , for example). Reflect on what that command is or what that prohibition is, reflect on how it applies to you.

Reflect and find the connections between the verses. How is this verse connected to the next? How is this topic connected to the one before it?

Repeat the sūrah endlessly during that day and during that week, and when you’re not reciting it, listen to it repeatedly—until you no longer feel any apprehension in your heart towards it.

Now do this for the next sūrah, and the next. =)

May Allah make the Qurʾān, in its entirety, the spring of our hearts.


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