
Al-Mujīb: Practical Lessons in ʿAqīdah

April 14, 2017

Allāh is al-Mujīb: The Fullfiller of Prayers; The Responsive One; The One who responds to needs of  the creation.

We learn that Allāh is al-Mujīb from what He relates to us in the Qurʾān. We affirm and believe in whatever He tells us about Himself in the Qurʾān and sunnah. This form of knowledge is called ʿilm al-yaqīn (a knowledge we are certain of and believe in.)

But Allāh wants good for us, He wants our īmān to thrive in our hearts; He wants us to increase in conviction.

So He decrees events.

Something happens and you’re compelled to call Allāh with desperation and He responds to you and you witness that He is al-Mujīb, the knowledge you had initially advances to a higher level, it changes to ʿayn al-yaqīn—a knowledge that you are so certain of, it is almost as if you see it with your own eyes.
You are naturally more convinced of something you see than something you merely hear about.

Then the situation repeats itself over and over again, where you call and He responds until it gets to a point where this knowledge that is ʿayn al-yaqīn progresses to ḥaqq al-yaqīn—you might have believed in the past but would still worry, now you’ve reached a level of unparalleled, unadulterated certainty. You simply don’t doubt that Allāh will respond to your feeble pleas.

THIS is what knowing Allāh is. Knowing Him isn’t through memorising a Name and its meaning; you do not know someone simply by memorising their name and its meaning.

If Allāh decrees a situation—even if it hurts us initially, but increases us in our knowledge of Him, then my God we cannot be complaining.

Hardships, more than the easy periods in our lives, are practical lessons in ʿaqīdah. The ones with a strong (knowledge) base are able to keep afloat, others sink.

May Allāh make us of those who always keep afloat. May Allāh make us of those who, when put in a difficult situation, learn, grow and draw nearer to Allāh.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Neha April 14, 2017 at 8:38 pm

    Beautifully written MashaAllah!

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