Qurʾān Study Tips

On Making the Qurʾān your Companion

March 22, 2017

“Is it disrespectful if I recite Qurʾān as I’m doing other things?”

No, I would say you’re NOT a student of the Qurʾān UNLESS you recite the Qurʾān throughout the day (with the exception of being in the bathroom and in the state of janabah). A person cannot recite the Qurʾān one-two hours every day and call himself a student of the Qurʾān!

That’s why scholars would say that a Ḥāfiḏh is not a Ḥāfiḏh until he is at a place where he wakes up in the middle of the night and the first thing that comes out of his mouth/heart is the Qurʾān.

Ahl al-Qurʾān is a weighty title. We must not think that we can attain it with the minimal most effort.

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