Online Course

Live Class | Al-Fatiḥah: Surāt aṣ-Ṣalāt

October 17, 2016

As a follow up to our previous live talk on humbleness (khushūʾ) in prayer, in this talk we will briefly discuss the tafsīr of sūrat al-Fātiḥah and share reflections with a special focus on this sūrah’s relation to ṣalāh (more specifically: how to understand this sūrah in order to attain khushūʾ in prayer).

• Date/Day/Time •

29th October, Saturday, 9 PM (Makkah)

• How to Sign Up •

Sisters who’ve signed up for ‘Akhlāq Ṭalib al-Qurān’ series will be emailed the link inshaAllāh. For new students interested in the talk, you may sign up by emailing: QuranicReflectionsBlog@gmail.com


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