Monthly Archives:

August 2016


August 29, 2016

Do you think the pious are sinless?! They concealed their sins and did not flaunt them; They repented and did not persist; They acknowledged their errors and did not make excuses; They did good after they had done wrong.”…

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Online Course

LIVE TALK | Akhlāq Ṭālib al-Qurān: The Prayer of the Humble

August 28, 2016

Please note: This talk is for sisters only. In our upcoming talk in the series ‘Akhlāq Ṭālib al-Qurʾān’, we will discuss the very important trait of khushūʿ. Khushūʿ is a ‘ibādah qalbiya—it is an act of worship performed by the heart; it nurtures the heart, which then propels a slave of Allāh towards His obedience until the slave of Allāh embodies khushūʿ. Without khushūʿ, worship becomes a series of actions void of meaning. A routine that a child can imitate.…

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“Do you have a mother?”

August 8, 2016

When the great scholar Sulaym b. Ayyūb as-Sulaym (known as Abū Fatḥ ar-Rāzī, d. 447 hijrī) was a ten year old child in his hometown of Rey, Iran, he went to a sheikh to learn recitation of the Qurʾān. He narrates; the sheikh called me over and asked me to start reciting the Qurʾān. I started to recite sūrat al-Fātiḥah but struggled to do so and couldn’t complete its recitation because of how poor my pronunciation was. So the sheikh…

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