Monthly Archives:

July 2016

Qurʾānic Reflections

A Duʿāʾ for Good Opportunities

July 2, 2016

When you step back and observe, you’ll see that success, whether yours or someone else’s, is contributed towards by the opportunities that were given by Allāh and the unexpected doors that He opened. At one point, all of us where at the same start line (perhaps when we were fresh out of high school.)…

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Qurʾān Study Tips

First Step Towards Tadabbur

July 1, 2016

In order to study the Qurʾān successfully, it is essential that we understand what we’re trying to achieve by our study. To do that, we have to answer one main question and it is: What is the main objective and purpose of the Qurʾān? …

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