
July 18, 2016

From ‘The Best Thing I’ve Read Today’ Series on my Facebook Page.

This is a snippet from a foreword written by Sheikh ʿĀʾiḍ al-Qarnī for a book titled ‘al-Mujallā fī sharḥ al-Qawāʿid al-Muthlā’, by Kāmilah al-Kuwārī.

For those who do not know, ustādhah Kāmilah is a student of knowledge who has excelled. It warmed my heart and so I wanted to share it with you.

He praises the work for the impeccable manner in which she skillfully presents a well researched, thoroughly studied and deeply understood topic. Then he says: After reading and re-reading the book and reflecting deeply on it, it is safe to say about the author and her examples from among the righteous women, what Abū aṭ-Ṭayyib al-Mutanabbī (the poet) said,

❝And if all women were like the ones we know, 

then surely women would be superior to men; 

for femininity is not a source of disgrace for the sun, 

and neither is masculinity a source of pride for the moon.❞ 

(In the Arabic language, all nouns are categorised by the male or female gender. The sun is feminine, whereas the moon is masculine.) ✨


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