

July 12, 2016

Remember: Allāh does not create ḥajāt (needs) in our lives, except so that we may initiate ʿibādāt (acts of worship).

When a need is created within us, we are compelled to recognise our weaknesses and inability, and conversely, recognise His Perfect Ability and Might and thus turn to Him with love and hope in our hearts.

Based on this, if for example, a minor illness touches you. Don’t dismiss addressing it because it’s insignificant. Initiate an ʿibādah! Make duʿā, recite the Qurʾān, use prophetic medicine, and actively seek rewards from Allāh (iḥtisāb) for bearing any discomfort or pain.

Another good example is ṣalāt al-istikhārah. Allāh creates a need in our lives, causing us to perform an act of worship we wouldn’t normally engage in. Then whatever the guided ones from among us undertake, they make it a means of attaining closeness to Allāh.

So don’t let the needs in your life leave you hopeless, rather, seek the fulfilment of these needs through submission to Allāh.

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