
A Universal Truth

June 29, 2016

A universal truth that is glaringly obvious yet is rarely lived by. It is: When you entrust your matters to Allāh, He suffices you. We see this lesson oft-repeated in the stories of the Qurʾān. Take the example of the Youth of the Cave, when they called to Allāh alone seeking His Mercy and rectification and guidance in matters. He helped them in unimaginable ways and brought them relief and victory.

But this help came only after they’d submitted and resigned their affair to Him. It is important to note that resigning ones affair to Allāh does not indicate inaction. They took action, whatever they could; they escaped silently, they hid in the cave, and only then Allāh caused them to fall asleep for the length of time they did and kept harm away from them the entire duration. For many people trusting Allāh is only done in theory and in reality their hearts are filled with overwhelming and overpowering concern and anxiety, and even doubts. Why?! Trusting Allāh only comes after knowing Him; how do you trust the one you do not know? Many have never made that connection, nor have they ever put any effort in learning who their Creator and Sustainer is, subḥānah wa taʿālā. And then we wonder why our matters are in disarray. Remember: When you entrust your matters to Allāh, He suffices you. In sūrat Ghāfir, Allāh gives an even more vivid example of this rule in practice. When the believer from the People of Firʿawn was threatened for calling to the Truth he entrusted his matter to Allāh,

﴾“…and I entrust my affair to Allāh. Indeed, Allāh is Seeing of [His] servants” ۝ So Allāh protected him from the evils they plotted…﴿ Just like that.

اللهم إنّا نسألك صدق التوكل عليك وحسن الظن بك.

Allāh, we ask You for the ability to trust You completely and honestly and to think well of You.


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