Qurʾān Study Tips

Ramaḍān Journals

June 11, 2016

Some people of knowledge would keep a special notebook at hand as they recited the Qurʾān. Anytime an āyah spoke to them, or an understanding dawned on them, they would write it down in that notebook, by the end of Ramaḍān they would amass a treasure trove of reflections from the Qurʾān.

Ibn ʿUthaymīn relates that he saw his teacher, ʿAbdur-Raḥmān as-Saʿdī, do this. Al-ʿAllāmah as-Saʿdī would recite an āyah, reflect on it, and then write down the benefits that Allāh opened to him. By doing this he would collect gems that you would not find in any book of tafsīr.

For this reason, Ibn al-Qayyim encouraged contemplation of the Qurʾān for whoever wants guidance, and his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah would say, ❝Whoever reflects upon the Qurʾān seeking guidance, the path of Truth will become clear to him.❞

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