Qurʾānic Reflections

So They Journeyed On…

March 11, 2015

﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:71

﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:74

﴾So they journeyed on…﴿ al-Kahf:77

Prophet Mūsā faces several setbacks in his path to seek knowledge. But each time he continues on with an unshaken resolve until the journey ends following an agreement put forward by Prophet Mūsā.

Many set out to fulfil dreams, pursue passions and make a life for themselves, but for many, their journey is cut short when they face setbacks and difficulties—they weren’t dedicated enough, perhaps. Or maybe they were hoping for an easy journey, not knowing that to attain what is precious one must work hard, sacrifice and most of all observe patience.

An example: Apply this to your own journey of seeking ʿilm and of memorising Qurʾān.
How many sisters I know have simply quit ḥifḏh al-Qurʾān when they realised they needed to put in a lot more effort than they had initially thought. When they realised seeking ʿilm wasn’t as fun and entertaining as those lectures on YouTube made it out to be…
Indeed the commodity of Allāh is precious, it doesn’t come to those who aren’t willing to put in any effort, who aren’t willing to dedicate to and sacrifice for it.

Don’t let setbacks put you off from the good that you set out to do. Learn from the persistence Mūsā displayed.
At each setback, journey on with an even stronger resolve to achieve better and to complete the good that you started.

Allāhumar-zuqnā quwatal ʿazīmah.

O Allāh, grant us a strong determination.

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