Qurʾānic Reflections

Quality over Quantity

October 24, 2014

Indeed, We have made that which is on earth adornment for it, so that We may test the people [as to] who of them is best in deed.


A point to ponder: Allāh says “best in deed”, not *more*.

How many of those who accumulate good deeds do so without any regards to their permissibility? Or perform acts without any element of asceticism, without any regard to its quality?

For you to be better in deed, you need to adhere to the commands of Allāh and steer away from His prohibitions, AND you need to observe asceticism in what you do. Zuhd (asceticism) is when you do not tie your hopes to this world; you acknowledge the waning nature of Dunyā.

And this is when you become better in deed, and thus more likely to pass that Test.

[Note: How one becomes better in deed, above, is according to the commentary of the Mufassirūn.]

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