Qurʾānic Reflections

For Those Overcome…

August 10, 2014

If life has overcome and exhausted you with its many hardships, worries, sorrows and trials, then acquaint yourself with the following two:

The first:

There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the transgressors.


This was the call of a man oppressed by his own mistake, a call from the lowest, darkest point.  A man who, if you were to logically assess the situation, had absolutely no way out; he was stuck in the belly of a whale, in the deepest, terrible most pits of the ocean. But he supplicated Allāh with this call, and Allāh not only saved him but He cared for and sheltered him after he was out of this great trial.

Reciting this supplication has a great amount of excellence and it brings about an immense amount of good. In a Ḥadīth, Rasūl Allāh ﷺ said,

❝The supplication of Dhun-Nūn (Prophet Yūnus) when he supplicated, while in the belly of the whale was: ‘There is no deity except You; Exalted are You, Indeed, I have been of the transgressors.’ Indeed, no Muslim supplicates with it for anything, ever, except Allāh responds to him.❞ {Narrated by Imām Aḥmed in al-Musnad, graded authentic by al-Albānī.}

And the second:

Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful.


We learn something profound; admitting weakness to Allāh and complaining to Him about the adversities and hardships we face is not only acceptable, but it is laudable. This admission does not stem from ingratitude and displeasure with what Allāh has decreed, but rather with an acknowledgement that if there is any One who can lift it off of you, it is Allāh. You are weak and in need, and He is Greater and Most Generous.

Consider the wording of this call, “adversity has touched me”, a non-accusatory statement made by someone who does not begrudge the Most Merciful for the situation he is in. Allāh is pleased with those who are pleased with Him in all and every circumstance.

In the words of Ibn al-Qayyim, ❝This call embodies the reality of tawḥīd and shows utter humility and indigence to ones Lord. It shows love for the One who is Praised, and it establishes the attribute of Mercy to Him, and that He is the Most Merciful of the merciful. Allāh is beseeched through His Glorious Attributes.  And it professes the dire need of the one calling to Allah. And whenever this occurs, adversity is lifted off the caller.❞ {al-Fawāid 1/201}

May Allāh grant ease to those facing hardship; a response to those seeking an answer; a way out to those searching for an exit.


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