Qurʾānic Reflections

Jāhilīya 2.0

July 26, 2014

[and do not display yourselves as was the display of the former times of ignorance.] al-Aḥzāb:33

This āyah specifically addresses our role models, the noble women we strive to emulate; the mothers of the believers (the wives of our Rasūl Allāh ﷺ). But in general, as scholars have stated, it addresses all believing women. The commands in it are for all Muʾmināt to follow.

In the āyah, the pre-Islāmic era of ignorance, where display of women’s beauty was rampant, is called ‘al-Jāhilīyat al-Uwlā’. Literally: the first phase of ignorance.

An incessant display of beauty AFTER your guidance to Islām is nothing more than an unabashed second phase of ignorance. Jāhilīya 2.0.


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