Monthly Archives:

May 2014


May 22, 2014

If only you knew the magnitude of the effect of saying ‘jazāk Allāh khair’ (may Allāh reward you with goodness) then you would have increasingly said it to one another. ʿOmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb, in: رواه ابن أبي شيبة ١/٤٣٦…

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May 17, 2014

{Sūrat an-Nūr:32} Marriage opens doors to abundant provisions; it’s a means by which Allāh opens doors to goodnesses and riches.…

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May 12, 2014

Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī was asked, “Where do you find relief?” He replied, ❝In a prostration after negligence and in repentance after sinning.❞…

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May 10, 2014

﴾And whoever is blinded from remembrance of Ar-Raḥmān – We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion.﴿ az-Zukhruf:36 A heart void of remembrance of Allāh is easily penetrable by and pliable to the whisperings of Shayṭān. A person becomes acceptant of bad company when his heart is parched for Dhikr.…

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Bad Duʿāʾ

May 8, 2014

‎People who make “bad duʿāʾ” or wish ill for themselves or others — even as a joke, are nothing but ignorant of the Might of Allāh. If you understood how quickly even the most seemingly impossible things you ask for are answered, you’ll never dare make a joke of it. Allāh is over ALL things capable. If you understood this āyah, you will never think – let alone utter – a bad duʿāʾ for anyone. Nor will you ever give…

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May 6, 2014

A person does not turn his heart towards Allāh except that Allāh turns the hearts of the believers towards him and enriches him with their love. Harim b. Ḥayyān, in: Siyār Aʿlām an-Nubalāʾ 4/49…

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