
Companions of the Garden

March 7, 2014

In sūrah al-Qalam we learn about a group of companions who owned a garden.

The story is as follows; the garden was initially owned by a generous man. During seasons of harvest, he would divide the income into three portions: one to spend on his family, one to store, and one to give in charity to the poor and the needy. When he passed away, the garden was inherited by his children, who, sadly, did not hold the same values as the ones he held. They contrived a plan to harvest the garden’s fruits without giving a share to the poor. But their plan foiled overnight when a storm came and turned their garden to dust. 

It was this calamity that made the realise the gravity of their mistake. They immediately sought forgiveness from their Merciful Lord.

This story teaches us a profound lesson: No amount of mistakes or transgressions should keep you from admitting to your fault and seeking forgiveness from your Lord.

A great lesson to take away, but my focus is another lesson from this story; a greater lesson. We learn that no amount of mistakes or transgressions should make you think that your Lord will be unkind to you. That He will not forgive you. That He will not be generous towards you. Repent sincerely with no intention of going back, and He will forgive you and give you, lovingly. 

After their mistake and prompt repentance, it was because of this belief that they continued to hold good thoughts about their Merciful Lord and had optimism in what is to come. They said,


[Perhaps our Lord will substitute for us (a garden) better than it. Indeed, we are toward our Lord desirous.] al-Qalam:32

It was narrated in the tafsīr of this āyah that He subḥāneh indeed compensated them with a garden better than the one they had lost. =)


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