Daily Archives:

February 16, 2014


February 16, 2014

Keyword: Patience. In observing His commands. In abstaining from His prohibitions. Patience over what befalls……

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A Lesson from Sūrah Āle-ʿImrān

February 16, 2014

Lately, I’ve been listening to the ending verses of sūrah Āle-ʿImrān on repeat, and thinking. These verses are some of the most beautiful yet powerful verses in the Qurʾān. I don’t think there is any student of the Qurʾān who does not hold these verses dear. In a Ḥadīth, it is narrated to us that Rasūl Allāh ﷺ would recite these verses upon waking up from sleep, and thus scholars have encouraged us to do the same. And truly, I…

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