Monthly Archives:

December 2013


The Eloquent Speaker

December 9, 2013

Mūsā, one of the greatest prophets, had a speech impediment. And he was conscious of this. Thus, he makes the duʿāʾ, which Allāh relates to us in the Qurʾān, [(Mūsā) said, “My Lord, expand for me my chest (with assurance) And ease for me my task. And untie the knot from my tongue That they may understand my speech.] Ṭāhā:25-28 Firʿawn, on the other hand, was an eloquent and effective speaker. Allāh tells us about his eloquence and speaking skills…

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On the Weight of Clouds

December 8, 2013

Here I grew up thinking that cotton candy was a close substitute to clouds. The other day I read that my childish assumption was just that. And clouds are in fact heavy. Very heavy. Read this: ❝Cloud weighs about as much as 100 elephants. If you’re a Democrat and you’re feeling partisan you could substitute 2500 donkeys. If you care more for dinosaurs than politics, you could also say the cloud weighs about as much as 33 apatosauruses.❞ After the…

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