Monthly Archives:

December 2013


A Guide to Understanding the Qurʾān

December 28, 2013

This was written as a reply to a few dozen messages I received on my Facebook page, with the same request, “How can I understand the Qurʾān better?” I’ve been asked this question numerous times. And overtime I’ve fine tuned the answer to this question. I divide “I want to understand the Qurʾān” into three levels:  Level 1: If you’re looking to understand the Qurʾān at the most basic level (which every single Muslim should do), then I would suggest reading…

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December 24, 2013

Ramaḍān 1434. Here the Qurʾān was recited and taught by the most blessed man to walk this earth, Moḥammed ﷺ. Reflect on that.…

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December 13, 2013

❝Recite the Qurʾān to me.❞ “Shall I recite to you while it has been revealed to you?!” He ﷺ said: ❝I like to hear it from others.❞ ❤️ — Narrated by ʿAbdullāh Ibn Masʿūd. In: Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī; Virtues of the Qurʾān.…

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December 11, 2013

The Qurʾān does not solidify in one’s memory, nor is it easy to memorise, nor is it easy to understand – except if you were to recite it in ṣalāh at night (tahajjud). Moḥammed Amīn ash-Shanqīṭī. In: tafsīr aḍwāʾ al-bayān 8/359…

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December 10, 2013

Sūrah al-ʿAlaq ends with the command, ﴾prostrate and draw near﴿. The next sūrah hints at the best time to do so.…

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