
September 12, 2013

Indeed, [true] happiness is happiness with the Book of Allāh taʿālā.

ʿOmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb, raḍi Allāhu ʿanh. (via quranicreflections)

I was asked for a reference for this quote. Almost all of the quotes I post are very well referenced, down to the volume and page of the book they are in. As for the few quotes that do not have a reference, it is only because a professor mentioned it in class, verbally, without providing a reference. This quote was mentioned by my teacher, Sheikh Ḥāzim Saʿīd Ḥaider in commentary of this āyah. You can read more about the honourable Sheikh here.

(We’ve come to use the word scholar so care freely, perhaps because the word ‘scholar’ in English does not have the heavy connotations that its counterpart in Arabic does. But Sheikh Ḥāzim, is a ʿĀlim, scholar, in all true sense of the word. May Allāh preserve him upon khair.)

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