
August 26, 2013

How do you know that you’ve succeeded as a parent? (Future parents take note.)

If your child comprehends this āyah.

Also, if your child reasons any where close to the reasoning of the following child, then you’re doing parenting right:

Amīr al-Muʾminīn ʿOmar was visiting one of his ministers in a foreign land, he sees the minister’s child (who was about five years old), so he playfully asks,
❝Which land is better; ours or yours?❞

The child confidently replies, ❝Ours.❞

ʿOmar, raḍi Allāhu ʿanh, asks, ❝And why is that?❞

The child replies, ❝Because you are in it.❞

This, my dearies, is parenting done so, so right. 🙂

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