
Righteous In-Laws

August 23, 2013

[He said, “Indeed, I wish to wed you one of these, my two daughters, on [the condition] that you serve me for eight years; but if you complete ten, it will be [as a favour] from you. And I do not wish to put you in difficulty. You will find me, if Allah wills, from among the righteous.”]  al-Qaṣaṣ:27

This is how it goes down in the homes of the righteous.

Prophet Shuʿayb offers Mūsā, prior to the latter’s prophethood, one of his daughters in marriage, and the Mahr?

Serve me for eight years.

No extravagance, no wads of cash exchanging hand, no loans taken out to repay the insane Mahr, no ‘but we have to ask for a large Mahr, because, WHAT will the people say?!’ None of this nonsense.

Look at this in light of Prophet Mūsā’s circumstance, he was driven out of his home for fear of his life, he was in a foreign land and he had nothing to his name.

I do not wish to burden you.

These words can only come from a man who has understood the sanctity of marriage.

A father who has understood his part in his sacred union that is marriage. He has understood that as the bride’s father, his son-in-law is as much his own as his daughter.

And how can anyone place difficulty on their own kith and kin?!

What’s more, Prophet Shuʿayb’s wisdom is simply an indication that he – ʿalayhis salām – saw with the light of Allāh. 

Here was Mūsā, an unknown. To ensure his daughter’s welfare, he keeps Mūsā with him — and in doing so, he targets two birds with one stone: he ensures his daughter’s protection and helps his son start life in a foreign land. 🙂

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