
What is a Qurʾānic Reflection?

June 4, 2013

Ideally this should have been the very first post on le blog. But it wasn’t. This was.

Tadabbur is a term that often appears in the study of Qur`ānic sciences (it appears in the Qur`ān as well!). Tadabbur is a form of exegesis and in simpler terms it translates to ‘reflect’. Thus the name ‘Qur`ānic Reflections’.

For a better idea on what Tadabbur means and entails, we look at the words of our scholars –

Ibn al-Qayyim expounds the essence of Tadabbur:

It is when the heart looks intently at the meanings of the Qur`ān, and consciously ponders and comprehends them.

Sheikh Moḥammed ibn al-ʿUthaymīn explains Tadabbur:

Tadabbur is contemplation of the Qur`ānic words to get their meaning, and if this is not done by the reader of the Qur`ān, then he has missed out on the ḥikmah (wisdom) behind the revelation of the Qur`ān. And because of this lack of Tadabbur, it is as if the Qur`ān becomes mere words to the reader, without it having any effect on him. A person cannot be reminded when he lacks understanding of the meanings of the Qur`ān.

The crux of the issue: a person is indefinitely disconnected to the Qur`ān if he or she persists upon this state of being ignorant of the meanings of the Qur`ān. Not only that but they risk falling in the category of those who have abandoned the Qur`ān.


And the Messenger has said, “O my Lord, indeed my people have abandoned this Qur`ān.” – al-Furqān:30

Scholars have commented that the above āyah does not refer to abandoning the tajwīd and recitation of the Qur`ān, though they are of outmost importance. Nor does it refer to abandoning the memorisation of the Qur`ān, though it has a great importance and a certain level of obligation.

Then what is this abandonment of the Qur`ān referred to in this āyah?

Abandoning the Qur`ān refers to abandoning reflecting on the āyāt of the Qur`ān and abandoning the contemplation of their meanings and applying them in our lives.

So on the Day of Judgement the Prophet ﷺ will complain to Allāh ﷻ about us, because we read the Qur`ān without reflecting on its meanings and without applying it in our lives. And because of this disregard to Tadabbur, we abandoned it. Wa lā Ḥawla wa lā Quwata illā Billāh.

And where will we stand after Rasūl Allāh ﷺ puts forth a complain to The Lord of the Worlds?

Ergo, Qur`ānic Reflections. To get you started =)


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