
May 27, 2013

The Islāmic Affairs ministry of the Kingdom of Bahrain (Allāh preserve the people, the country and the leadership upon al-Ḥaqq), initiated a project to print and send a million Maṣāḥif to Africa. 
This gave rise to the ‘Muṣḥaf al-Bahrain’ project. 
Bifaḍl Allāh taʿālā, because of Whom all good comes to be, this project is in it’s final stages. 
In the pictures: hundreds and hundreds of ḥuffāḏh and āffiḏhāt seated in Bahrain’s grand mosque, revising the copies of the Muṣḥaf – letter by letter, ḥarakah by ḥarakah. (To ensure no printing error has been made.)

This method is known as Ṭarīqah at-Tahajjī (the tahajjī method), example—

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

باء كسره بِ

سين سكون  بِسْـ

ميم كسره مِ – بِسْمِ

اللّهِ : لفظ الجلاله لا يقطع

And on, until each copy is revised. 

I ask Allāh to bless this effort, I ask Allāh to accept it and to make us of Ahl al-Qur`ān, those whom Allāh has called His people and those closest to Him. 
I ask Allāh to make this effort a reason for the prosperity of Islām and Tawḥīd in this country and for the eradication of falsehood – in all its shapes and forms.

Say Āmīn!


Pictures taken from Ahl al-Qur`ān (Bahrain)’s Instagram account. Caption from QR_Blog’s instagram account. 

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