
Why Muslims Face Societal Backlash

April 26, 2013

The Youth of the Cave went through excruciating trials before Allāh saved them from a nation that sought to persecute them only because they believed in Him.   

Attempts to document these are found herehereand here.

But… my question is, why did they have to go through such excruciating trials?

Allāh did save them, eventually; He put them to sleep for 300 years, plus nine, in an almost enclosed cave. No doubt it was a miracle of Allah that prevented earth from eating their bodies as they slumbered. He saved them from the obvious harsh conditions of the outdoors; wild animals, wild weather, wild robbers… And most importantly he saved them from the sharpened pitchforks of those who sought their blood.

Allāh saw them through, but my question remains: why did He not do it earlier? Before they bore the pain they bore..?

The aha answer:

How else could their faith in Allāh been solidified, had He removed every obstacle from their path before it reached them? (Think.)

It is out of His Mercy that He allows His slaves to see the storm, maybe even experience it, before He removes it from their path – or removes them from its path.

This was the story of Aṣḥāb al-Kahaf.

And this is your story.

The struggles that you face when you choose the Path of Allāh? The criticism, negativity, backlash, loss, you taste? He is only allowing you to witness His grand scheme so that you are appreciative of it. So that you are humbled into submitting to Him. So that you persist upon it. 

Note: We never question Allāh subāneh wa taʿālā, or His Decree. My question of why in this post was meant to drive a point home. Never to doubt Allātaʿālā. =) I ask Allāh to make us amongst those forever grateful to Him. 



I wish to dedicate this post to Zar – a dear sister whom I’ve only met on twitter – yet her constant appreciation and support of these reflections (and their author) never fails to amaze me. I thank Allāh for such beautiful friends.  

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