
The Sincere, Devoted Friend

April 8, 2013

The army of Iblīs, i.e. those who followed him instead of following the command of Allāh and thus went astray, will say on the Day of Judgement:

[So now we have no intercessors;

Nor a sincere, devoted friend] ash-Shuʿrā`:100-101

Intercessors are those who will intercede on one’s behalf from the Angels, Prophets and Believers.

In a Ḥadīth narrated in Bukhārī: The believers who are saved will say, “O Allāh! Save our brothers for they used to pray with us, fast with us, and also do good deeds with us!”

So Allāḥ, subḥāneh, will say to them, “Go and take out [from Hell] anyone in whose heart you find faith equal to the weight of one dinār”.*

That is how the believers will intercede for one another on the Day of Judgement.  

And a word of advice from al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī:

Increase your friends from the Mu`minīn, for they have an intercession on the Day of Judgement.

[So now we have no intercessors;

Nor a sincere, devoted friend] 

What caught my eye (and heart): Notice, the intercessors are a group (indicated by the plural form). And the sincere, devoted friend is a single person.


Isn’t it always like this? You can get a large group of people to vouch for you and your character. Even if they only know *of* you.

But when it comes to sincere, devoted friends, they are rarer than the rarest of gems.

Thus Allāh – the most Exalted, the most Highest! – uses singular form for the sincere, devoted friend to show us how rare they truly are.


A word of advice from me: When you find that rare gem, hold onto them tight.  

*Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, book 97, ḥadīth 56.

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