Daily Archives:

March 29, 2013


…Distracted You

March 29, 2013

[The want of plenty distracted you] at-Takāthur:1 What is this Takāthur (plenty/excess)? Allāh ﷻ does not specify what this plenty is, thus scholars such as as-Saʿdī comment that it includes everything that takes you away from the obedience of Allāh ﷻ and His Messenger ﷺ, and everything that increasingly occupies your heart and time. Be it wealth, entertainment, socialising, life dedicated to social media… or a simple hobby of leisurely reading — in an excessive form. Anything and everything. Note: When…

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The Want of Plenty…

March 29, 2013

‎Much of the societal and interpersonal problems are condensed in the following āyah, [The want of plenty distracted you] Takārhur:1 Alhākum – distracted you, this word is derived from the root word lahuw (think: amusement, pastime, diversion, distraction). An almost synonym for the term lahuw is laʿib (لعب). This āyah uses the word lahuw. Ibn al-Qayyim comments, ❝Lahuw is for the heart whereas laʿib is for the limbs.❞ The want of plenty consumed your heart leaving you with an unconcerned…

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