
High, Higher, Highest

March 16, 2013

[A revelation from He who created the earth and highest heavens;

Ar-Raḥmān who is above the Throne established] Tāhā:4-5


Do you notice something different in this āyah?

Normally the usage of heavens and earth is in a specific order where the mention of heavens precedes that of earth.

However in this āyah the mention of earth precedes the mention of heavens. Why is that?

One reason is because of the imagery that is being created: from the lowest (earth) to the highest (the heavens) and then the Most Highest; Ar-Raḥmān.

Ar-Raḥmān, who is the Most Highest, and He is in the Highest place; above the seven heavens, on His throne, established.

Another reason that could explain the mention of earth preceding the mention the heavens is so that the rhyme scheme of this sūrah is not disrupted. Notice the ending of the āyāt.

The next āyah resumes the usual style which sees the mention of heavens preceding that of earth

[To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is on the earth and what is between them and what is under the soil.]



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