
Hearts Exploding

March 6, 2013

In sūrat Maryam, Allāh describes the severity of shirk (associating partners with Allāh), especially the severity of the misguided claims that suggest Allāh, the Most Exalted, has taken a son.

This severity is so intense that inanimate objects collapse in reaction to these claims. Just look at the imagery:

[The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation,

That they ascribe to ar-Raḥmān a son.] Maryam:90-91

Sheikh Moḥammed ash-Shanqīṭī comments:

“Because of their protectiveness of Tawḥīd (and their disdain to whatever opposes it) the mountains crumble! So how is it that the heart of a believer – who fears Allāh and hopes for His Mercy – remains unmoved by such claims? Shouldn’t these hearts be the first to react?”

Ar-Raḥmān is the name of Allāh that encompasses His mercy towards all living beings including the disbelievers (isn’t it Allāh’s mercy upon them that sees them do something as simple as breath?!)

Allāh uses Ar-Raḥmān here specifically, to remind the disbelievers that they are solely at His mercy, yet they attribute such atrocious claims to Him Subḥāneh.


Coming back to the unmoved hearts of the Muslims today, who not only show utter disregard in guarding Tawḥīd, but they celebrate and partake in traditions based in polytheism. Pray tell, does this mean that inanimate objects are worthier than these Muslims? 


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