
Stinginess of the Soul

January 30, 2013

You know how we mortals are possessive by nature? We absolutely detest it if someone dares to occupy the seat we normally sit in, or park in our *favourite* spot. Mine. Growl.

Now imagine if someone moves into your house, think a long-term guest, even if you are open to the idea now, will your patience not run out after a few days?

We witness this every day in our so called “advanced” society – calls to “get rid” of immigrants in order to “preserve the culture”, and other excuses that are given simply because people cannot tolerate sharing *their* space with other people, especially people who are different than them.  This is the sad reality.

But when the Muhājirīn (Muslims of Makkah) made their way to Madīna, the Anṣār (people of Madīna) not only welcomed them with clean hearts, but they divided their land and wealth to share it with the Muhājirīn! If that wasn’t enough, some of the Anṣār went over and beyond to make their brothers and sisters from the Muhājirīn feel welcome; one of the Anṣār divorced one his wives so that his brother from the Muhājirīn could marry. This was the great lengths they went. And never a slight murmur of complaint was heard from the Anṣār, even though many of Anṣār weren’t well off, nor were they wealthy, and many a times provision was short, and now it had to be shared with an even greater number of people, yet they were happy to do so.

Allāh revealed an āyah about their excellence:


[And [also for] those who were settled in al-Madīnah and [adopted] the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want in their chests of what the emigrants were given but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be the successful.] al-Ḥashr:9

There you go, a solution to bettering our society and our lives: “Whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be successful.”

And a route to success, one guaranteed by Allāh. 


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