
Sūrah al-Kahaf: Preparing for a Greater Test

January 18, 2013

Most of Ahl al-ʿIlm, post-reflecting on sūrah al-Kahaf, have concluded that the main purpose of this sūrah is to provide guidance for surviving and overcoming fitan (trials, tests)

The four main fitan highlighted in this sūrah, including their solutions, are:

1. Test in religion, and how to survive it.

2. Test in wealth, and how to avoid a ‘poor investment’.

3. Test in knowledge, at the essence of knowing is being thankful to Allāh.

4. Test in leadership, and how to be a righteous and successful leader.

But most importantly, the key underlying attribute that will enable success in all these tests is patience, abr. Beautiful Patience. And if you were to read this sūrah carefully, you will realise how the bitter abr-pill can be made a little sweeter.

Enter the adīth which tells us that sūrah al-Kahaf is protection from the greatest trial that will afflict the residents of this tiny planet: Fitna of Dajjāl.

These tests are only preparation for an even greater test. To pass THAT test, you must pass the current ones.


Read sūrah al-Kahaf, and reflect, understand and apply. 

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