
Honourable Speech

November 24, 2012

[O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty to Allah, then be not soft in speech, Lest he in whose heart is sickness should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner.] Azāb:32

Scholars are of differing opinion whether this āyah addresses the believing women along with the wives of Rasūl Allah , or whether it’s limited to Mothers of the Believers. Most of the Mufassirīn, however, have concluded that it includes the believing women.

This āyah is a command from Allah the Most Highest to speak with non-Maram men in a manner that befits the best women of this ummah: the Wives of the Prophet.

The command is to not speak in a soft manner i.e. a manner that is inviting or sends off unintended innuendos to non-Marams. And the warning that Allah gives is that a non-Maram may have some sickness in his heart (sickness of hypocrisy, perverse desires, etc.) which in turn could lead to something worse.

And then Allah commands us to speak in an honourable manner: a manner that is direct, straightforward, no gushy mushy-ness. Some scholars have even said that in order to fulfil this command there has to be a certain amount of harshness in the tone of speech.

Additionally, we know that speech is one of the modes of communication, and we also know that words don’t necessarily have to be involved for communication to take place! But one direct method of communication that is closest to speech is written communication. (Do you see where this is headed?)

My dearest sisters, why is it that honourable speech is not used in written communication with non-Marams, especially over the internet?

Why are there innuendos everywhere?

Our choice of words express a clear tone when writing and the reader can tell just how much harshness (or softness) it carries.

Obviously, this is not considering the fact that there should be no unnecessary communication between opposite genders. This tone of speech is referring to when communication with non-Marams is absolutely necessary, otherwise, as stated there should be no communication (no tweeting back and forth, etc.).  

We can choose to emulate the standards set for the Mothers of the Believers – the best women of this Ummah. Or, we can sink to the less than average standards.

In the next āyah Allah tells us the reason: It is only to purify you. 

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