
Blessed Mornings

November 21, 2012

Any ‘night owls’ here?

Let me tell you, there is no such thing as a ‘night owl’. My proof?

Allah ‘azza wa jal says in the Qur`ān:


[And He made your sleep a means for rest;

And He made the night as clothing;

And He made the day for livelihood]



This sūrah tells us how it is: Sleep, one of His great blessings (ask any insomniac and they’ll confirm it) is a means of rest.

In the āyah the word used for ‘rest’ is subātā (سباتا) – think lying down long.

Any form of rest is not complete without a shade or a cover of some sort. Be it is a shade from the sun or shelter from the wind. In the next āyah, Allah tells us that He has made the night a covering for us (a shade, a shelter) – in order to enable this rest. Then He tells us about day time that He created for us if we wish to fulfil our worldly obligations, say, of earning a living and submitting assignments with cruelly short deadlines. 

Keeping in mind that His legislations have ḥikmah behind them, thus going against them will result in disastrous consequences;

Try sleeping in all day, it still won’t compare to a good night’s sleep (your eye bags will attest this). Additionally, Allah has put barakah in the day time which will help us attain results we yearn – higher and even higher returns for all of the effort we put in. Seek this out of its time and you’ll have a poor grade on your report (and the eye bags) to reflect that nothing can succeed when you fight the fiṭrah (natural disposition) that Allah has made our default state. 

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