
The Time Before Dawn

November 8, 2012


[The people of Lūṭ denied the warnings.

Indeed, We sent upon them a storm of stones, except the family of Lūṭ – We saved them before dawn] Qamar:33-34

The family of Lūṭ ‘alayhis salām were put through one of the most difficult tests a Muslim can through. They fought to hold on to the moral fabric of their society, as it was put through a shredder. All the while maintaining their īmān. Talk about a test.

If that was not enough, even within the family they faced moral decay; the wife of Prophet Lūṭ was heedless of Allāh’s message and sided with the evil doers.

Thus, in the Qurʾān, when Allāh refers to the family of Lūṭ, He is referring to Prophet Lūṭ and his daughters – excluding the wife. We may see it as a broken family, but in the sight of Allāh, it was a family, and it was built upon His command and thus it was the perfect family. Stop a minute and re-asses your definition of a family, keeping the Qurʾānic definition in mind.) 

There are many more lessons this story teaches us.

Claim of modernity is not an excuse to stand witness to the moral degeneration of those around us. We need to follow the footsteps of Lūṭ ‘alayhis salām and urge people to see through the mess and into their fiṭrah – their inner disposition of purity and righteousness.

What caught my interest, in particular, was the following: in the previous āyah, Allāh tells us that He saved the family of Lūṭ in the time before dawn. None of the information in the Qurʾān is in excess. This āyah is a clear and evident instruction to us: if you need saving, then it will probably be in the time before Dawn. #Tahajjud


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