Monthly Archives:

November 2012


Unbending Backs

November 29, 2012

Whenever I have had a good workout – the kind that renders one immobile, going into rukū’/sujūd reminds me of my sore back which in turn reminds me of this āyah which, in turn, makes my heart stop: [The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able] Qalam:42 Scholars comment that the backs of those who did not prostrate to the Almighty in this life will become one solid…

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November 26, 2012

If you wish to know whether you love Allāh then present yourself to the Qurʾān (i.e. read, study, reflect on it). If you find that you love the Qurʾān then know that you love Allāh, for indeed, the Qurʾān is the speech of Allāh, uncreated. ‘Abdullāh Ibn Mas’ūd, in: أمالي إبن سمعون الواعظ ١١/١٦٧…

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Honourable Speech

November 24, 2012

[O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty to Allah, then be not soft in speech, Lest he in whose heart is sickness should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner.] Aḥzāb:32 Scholars are of differing opinion whether this āyah addresses the believing women along with the wives of Rasūl Allah ﷺ, or whether it’s limited to Mothers of the Believers. Most of the Mufassirīn, however, have concluded…

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November 22, 2012

I recognise your evil ones without fail; they always pray out of time and they barely listen to the Qur`ān. Abū ad-Dardā`, in: الزهد لأحمد بن حنبل…

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Blessed Mornings

November 21, 2012

Any ‘night owls’ here? Let me tell you, there is no such thing as a ‘night owl’. My proof? Allah ‘azza wa jal says in the Qur`ān:   [And He made your sleep a means for rest; And He made the night as clothing; And He made the day for livelihood] Naba`:9-11   This sūrah tells us how it is: Sleep, one of His great blessings (ask any insomniac and they’ll confirm it) is a means of rest. In the…

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The Worth of this World

November 20, 2012

  [They will murmur amongst themselves, “You stayed no longer than ten days”] Ṭāhā:103 Ten days. That’s what this Dunyā will be worth. In the next āyah Dunyā is summed up to one day –   [We know very well what they will say, when the best among them in knowledge and wisdom will say: “You stayed no longer than a day!”] Ṭāhā:104 This tells us of the fleeting nature of this world. And it also tells us that those…

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