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September 2012



September 8, 2012

One of the worst diseases of our society is consumerism. If it weren’t for it, money hounding firms wouldn’t find the need to wreck the environment and put humanity at risk to fuel this disease. Reflect upon these two āyāt:   [And you consume inheritance, devouring it in greed, And you love wealth with exceeding love.] Fajr:19-20 Did we not inherit this lovely planet that we are so ardently trying to destroy by our inability to satiate our wants and…

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Looking for Love?

September 5, 2012

Sisters (/brothers) drift apart, things get weird. Relationships break. Marriages collapse. Friendship? That was a joke. And then they realise it was never really for the sake of Allah ﷻ. If it was for His sake, then… how can something based purely on the love of Allah end? Or even deteriorate? It only grows stronger.    [Indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds Ar-Rahman Shall grant them love] Maryam:96 The word for love here is wudd, (hubb also translates…

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Al Mu’iz

September 4, 2012

Allah is Al Mu’iz (The Honourer). When Allah humiliates a person none can give him honour and dignity. And Allah only humiliates those who transgress His commands. Glad tidings to those who have dedicated their lives to pleasing Him, for they will never face this humiliation. [And he whom Allah humiliates – for him there is no bestower of honour.] Ḥajj:18…

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Al Fattāh

September 3, 2012

Of the beautiful names and attributes of Allah the Almighty is Al-Fāttah (الفتَّاح): The Opener, The victory Giver. When you find yourself facing a dead end, He opens (and He will open and He has opened) new ways for you.  And when He opens a door of His mercy for you, every soul on this earth, united, will still fail to close it.  [Whatever mercy Allah opens for mankind, then none can withhold it] Fāṭir:2 So call onto Him.  …

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One Step Closer

September 2, 2012

Pure and clean hearts are a characteristic of the people of Jannah. Hearts that are free of hatred, jealousy, hurt and every other ill feeling – especially towards their brothers and sisters. Yes it’s happened, but will you not let go? Enough already.    [And We shall remove from their hearts any hatred or sense of injury] A’rāf:43 Perhaps this may take you one step closer. To Jannah. …

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