Monthly Archives:

September 2012


September 18, 2012

We hear a familiar voice coming from an unfamiliar place. the Angels to Allah, when they hear Dhun Nūn ( Yūnis ‘alayhi salām) praying in the belly of the whale.…

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Spiritual Impairment

September 16, 2012

The blindness to be sought refuge in Allah from is not a physical impairment. Rather it is a spiritual one. It is the blindness of the heart. The blindness that prevents the Nūr of guidance reaching the heart. What use is seeing if their blind hearts are prevented from recognising the Truth?    [For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the chests.] Ḥajj:46 We seek refuge in Allah from the blindness…

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Youth Who Believed

September 14, 2012

One Surah that Muslim youth need to reflect on is Surah Al Kahaf. Though the lessons in it are for everyone, the lessons for us – specifically – are simply profound. [Indeed, they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance] Kahaf:13 The people of the cave were young men who only sought to obey their Lord, and because of this Allah subḥāneh wa t’āla did the rest. He protected them in ways no one…

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Believers, distinguished

September 12, 2012

Observe society, without a doubt you will find that Allah has favoured some over others in provision, health, wealth, beauty… and this is the sunnah (way) of Allah.  But His ultimate and truest favour on some over others will be in Akhira.  [Look how We have favoured (in provision) some of them over others. But the Hereafter is greater in ranks and greater in distinction] Isrā`:21 Society seeks to distinguish the rich from the poor, people of different races, those who…

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Righteous Few

September 10, 2012

[Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you to be of the Muḥsinīn.] Yusuf:36 In surah Yusuf, Allah describes an incident involving two inmates. These inmates confide something personal and then seek advice from a stranger and fellow inmate – Yusuf ‘alayhis salām. Why? Because he looked righteous. Those who claim that righteousness has little to do with our outward appearance and it is solely within the heart; please stand corrected. Though īmān is amongst the matters of the heart,…

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Take a Stand

September 9, 2012

[He (Mūsa) said, “My Lord, for the favour You bestowed upon me, I will never be an assistant to the criminals”] Qasas:17 Allah bestowed you with many, many favours. On the top of this list, He favoured you with guidance. Do you then seek to become an aide to those who wreck havoc by disobeying Allah? The criminals? Mūsa ‘alayhis salām took a stand against Fir’awn, though Mūsa was once known as the son of Fir’awn. He took a stand…

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