
The Secret to Healing a Wounded Heart

September 26, 2012

When you do Tasbī you are not only worshiping Allah, but by doing Tasbī you are acquiring a guaranteed contentment, serenity and happiness.


[So be patient over what they say and exalt Allah with praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting; and during periods of the night exalt Him and at the ends of the day so that you may be satisfied (pleased)] Tāha:130

In the above āyah, Allah Subāneh gives us a cure to the pain that comes with swallowing harsh words or dealing with words that are displeasing to us. Example? A person speaking ill about our Lord or about our Prophet ﷺ. How does one release the emotions that build up inside? The anger, the hurt, the grief…  

By being patient and doing Tasbī; particularly before sunrise and sunset.

Additionally, to gain the pleasure and happiness our kind so desperately seeks the remedy prescribed is remembering Him in the darkness of the night when most people are care freely asleep. And at the ends of the day; the beginning of the day, when most people are rushing to earn their share of worldly provision, and at its end, when most people are resting after a tiring day.

This is the Qur`ānic prescription for a noble heart wounded by cruel words.  

Won’t you try it my dearest? 

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