Daily Archives:

September 26, 2012


The Secret to Healing a Wounded Heart

September 26, 2012

When you do Tasbīḥ you are not only worshiping Allah, but by doing Tasbīḥ you are acquiring a guaranteed contentment, serenity and happiness.   [So be patient over what they say and exalt Allah with praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting; and during periods of the night exalt Him and at the ends of the day so that you may be satisfied (pleased)] Tāha:130 In the above āyah, Allah Subḥāneh gives us a cure to the…

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September 26, 2012

Abu ‘Āliyah (a first generation tāb’ī) hated for people to call a sūrah of the Qur`ān small or short. Whenever he would hear someone say this, he would reply, “You are smaller than it, as for the Qur`ān — all of it is Great” الجامع لأحكام القرآن — تفسير القرطبي 1/31…

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