[Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you to be of the Muḥsinīn.] Yusuf:36
In surah Yusuf, Allah describes an incident involving two inmates. These inmates confide something personal and then seek advice from a stranger and fellow inmate – Yusuf ‘alayhis salām. Why? Because he looked righteous.
Those who claim that righteousness has little to do with our outward appearance and it is solely within the heart; please stand corrected.
Though īmān is amongst the matters of the heart, we cannot have īmān unless we submit to the command of Allah.
And one, amongst the many, acts of obeying Him and submitting to Him is adhering to the proper Ḥijāb (for men and women).
What is in our hearts and how we reflect it in our actions and speech hold equal importance.
And our sincerity can only be determined by Allah the Most Exalted.
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